Monday, December 10, 2018

8 Great Chanukah Activities: Painting with Dreidels and Chanukah Candles

By the 8th Day of Chanukah, we're wondering if that latke smell is ever going to fade away. We're almost tired of chocolate gelt and donuts. We are all probably a little tired of late nights and fully scheduled days. It's been so much fun (and we're just a little wistful to be at the end), but it's time to start packing it all away for next year. Before you do, try your hand at painting in some unlikely ways with some unlikely paint brushes! And if you were overeager to restore your home to its pre-Chanukah state and already did pack it up and away, save this post in the vault for next year. These two activities are sure to please!

A teacher-turned-play-at-home-mom I know inspired this first activity when I saw her post pictures of her children and their friends painting with Chanukah candles. What a brilliant idea! I knew I wanted to try it out with the boys and they both loved it. Dabbing, dotting, doodling lines with the wick end and the bottom of the candle all made unique and colorful designs. I simply set out a collection of Chanukah candle brushes and a paint try with washable tempera paints and let them have at it and explore. This is process art at its best!

Another tried and true favorite of mine has always been dreidel spin art. In this blast from the past, a younger version of S is perfecting his pincer grasp and working toward spinning a dreidel for the first time. Now he's a pro at spinning dreidels on and off the paper, but even tiny little hands can enjoy printing with the flat sides of the dreidel dipped in colorful paints. I highly recommend washable paint in this activity and either a plastic or disposable tray or even a shoe box for working in. There may be splatters! The results are so colorful and fun. You can hang and display them as is, cut them down for use in a collage or upcycle them into greeting cards and gift wrap for the season. I like to offer at least a couple of colors that go well together, but you can go hog wild if you wish!

It's been a great holiday and I hope you enjoyed some (or all) of our 8 Great Chanukah Activities this year. We'll be back soon with some Winter themed fun and in the weeks to come an exciting transformation to our dramatic play area as well.

Until then...

Happy Last Day of Chanukah & Happy Playing!

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